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Thursday, 20 March 2014


My lovely friend Uzo O nominated me for the Liebster Award so thank you very much; I am really surprised and honoured!

What is the Liebster Award "For those bloggers and readers who are unfamiliar with this award, “The Liebster Award" is given to up and coming bloggers. The word ” Liebster” comes from German and can mean the sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, most beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.”

I am really amazed and truly happy to receive a nomination!

The Rules for this Award are:
-Thank the person who nominated you. (Thank you loads Uzo O!!)
-When you receive the award, you answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
-Pass the award onto other bloggers (while making sure you notify the blogger that you nominated them!) You write up 11 NEW questions directed towards YOUR nominees.
-You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated your own blog!
-You paste the award picture into your blog.

Uzo's questions to me and my answers. 

1.  What do you enjoy most about Blogging? I get to talk about what i love most which is bedding and interior decoration 

2.  What fashion or beauty product would you Spend your last dime On? I thought and thought, Theres nothing i would spend my last dime on except food and water. lol but i love sunglasses, shoes, lingerie, perfumes and lipsticks.

3.  How do you relax ? Music, Spa with the girls or Movie

4.  What do you consider as your best Body part? My Face

5.  Which fashion icon would you like to raid their closet ? Beyonce

6.  What's your most embarrassing moment ? You really don't want to know. lol

7.  Do You travel Light? Even when i get away for the weekend, somehow, it ends up being too much.

9.  Describe your style of fashion? My fashion style depends on my mood at the moment. I take risk but i always stick with modesty.

10. What is your daily make-up routine ? Face cream, powder, eye liner, eyeshadow, blush, lipstick.

11. If you were a man/guy ,who would you like to be ? Brad Pitt

Now to my questions and bloggers it is directed at, Obey the rules please and tag me in your post. So looking forward to reading them! 

Here are the questions for my nominees!
1.      When did you start your blog?
2.      What got you to take the leap into blogging?
3.      What is your one guilty pleasure?
4.      What is one unusual fact about you?
5.      In your bedroom, what colors did you play around it?
6.      What that one item you can never leave your house without?
7.      What do you do to keep fit?
8.      What is your favourite colour and why?
9.      What has been the proudest moment of your life so far?
10.  If you had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of job, what would you choose to do?
 11.  Describe yourself in one word 

And my nominees are:

2. Chloe
4. Ez
8. Jen F
9. Lena
10. Furo

 I hope the chain is not broken because i'm so looking forward to visiting your blogs again to read your answers, don't forget to link back to my blog when you do this post and also inform me once you do ,you can do this by connecting with me through my comments section,email or social links ( Twitter,Instagram , Facebook.  

Always remember, sweet life starts with a sweet dream.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


When you go to buy bed linens, you can find lots of different colours, patterns and fabrics. As many different choices available, there are as many different ways of caring for them. Colours must be protected and material must be treated just right.
But you don't need to be puzzled about how to care for each of your choices.
It's a great idea to save the care instructions wrapped with every piece of bed linen, Yet beyond specific instructions are some general, common sense tips for purchasing, cleaning, and caring for sheets, pillow cases, and other bed linens
Below, I've listed general tips on cleaning and caring for your bed linens.

Bed Sheets
·          Washing
o    Wash the linens in cool water, No need for hot water.
o    Using a washing machine, Set wash cycle on "gentle." The sheets aren't really dirty.
o    Use the extra rinse cycle if available in order to remove any detergent residue.
o    Use less detergent than usual. (Our Nigerian detergents are very strong and your sheets aren't too dirty.)
o    Avoid using bleach since it breaks down fabric fibers.

·          Drying
o    Avoid over drying, you’ll have many wrinkles.
o    Remove sheets from the dryer promptly and fold immediately. Hand press to remove excess wrinkles.
o    For a crisp neat-looking bed, iron all bed linens.
Pillow Cases
·         If you find pillow cases that you particularly love, buy a few extra. Pillow cases wear out more quickly than sheets.
·         Iron pillowcases for fresh, crisp good looks on your bed.
·         Change pillowcases at least once in two weeks in normal climates, once a week  in hot and humid regions.
·         It's a great idea to have at least three sets of sheets per bed.
·         Rotate the sheets sets you use (vs. the sets you store) frequently so they wear evenly.

·         Change sheets once in two weeks in normal climates, more often in hot and humid regions.

       With this handy tips, No one has any excuse as to why they do not have a clean, durable and comfortable bed. 

                             Always Remember, Sweet life starts with a sweet dream!